dinsdag 7 mei 2013

Baby Blanket

In 2011 an exciting event happened in the family.. My sister was pregnant of her first child.. I was to be an aunt for the very first time :)

As a gift I decided to make a baby blanket. When I started crocheting the blanket we didn't know if it was a going to be a baby boy or girl. So I choose the colours to fit both genders: pink and purple together with blue and white..
It was the largest project I had ever made.. Before crocheting this blanket, I never seemed to be patient enough to work on a big project.. I loved working on small projects that I could finish in a couple of days...  But exceptions can be made for exceptional events :-)

I started working on this blanket as soon as I heard my sister was pregnant.. so I had enough time to finish it before the baby was born..

Here is the final result: 

I loved how it looked in his bed and luckily so did my sister...
My nephew was born in novemeber... I remember how happy I was seeing him for the first time wrapped around in this blanket... keeping him warm and cozy...

Now I'm working on a second baby blanket.. this time for her second baby that is due in September!! So excited to be an auntie for the second time :-)


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